Patience and Introspection - The key to my Optimistic Attitude

Ratnika Vyas

How often did you crib about the lockdown being the worst thing ever to occur? 
I believe most of you did. From a common man to a business personality, each one of us saw a setback and the pessimistic part of the pandemic. However, my take on it was slightly different. In my perspective, I believe the Universe needed this break. The Pandemic provided a much-needed halt to the rat race of materialistic quest. It has made people realize the necessity of introspecting their decisions and choices in life. 

For me, the lockdown was a journey of turning myself into a better person on the whole. I believe that the doing in the now will shape the future.

One must appreciate themselves!

One of the direct results of lockdown was losing the luxury of going to a gym and the trainer there. However, fitness wasn't a new concept for me. Currently, I am doing power Yoga and eating as cleanly as possible at home.

It wasn't quite difficult to utilize my time, as I enjoyed Meditation, indulged in Yoga and I feel happier with the chants of Buddhism mantra, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Spending more time with family has been luxurious.

As lockdown progressed, the realization of being good in multiple roles of life came by. Being a good friend to someone, a good daughter, a more compassionate person towards all beings, are all the qualities that I inculcated.

Fame and fortune are a bubble.

I am glad to have inculcated a habit of being grateful for whatever little I have achieved on account of my parents who allowed me to sign-up for whatever I wanted. 

The lockdown has taught me to see the good in things and people. Every person has their proportion of negative and positive. It's about what we choose to see. 

Living life fully and believing that all experiences enrich us as human beings has been a huge learning in life.

While I miss lifting weights in the gym, I enjoy uplifting people.


The Lockdown Journey of Ratnika Vyas - Actress, Anchor and Model | In conversation with Dhairya Mehta

Penned down by - Dinesh Gidwani



Dhairya Mehta

अनजान राहों में, कहानियों के ज़रिये मिलेंगे हम ये वादा है।

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