An Insightful Experience

Aariz Saiyed - Stand-up Comedian

How often do we get lost in our life that we forget from where we started? We get so involved in the rat race and acquiring materialistic assets for comfortable living that we disregard our goal of living. Our own Satisfaction and care.

When life took an abrupt break credit the lockdown, I realized that I wasn't doing much to care for myself. I was so preoccupied with the work that I ignored practicing for anything. It is the very base for any successful feat.

I started my career with music and music is a field that requires practice. As much we practice, the more we get the best out of it. And I perceive that I was constantly producing without learning. This realization made me probe further in that direction.

There is no ending to learning in any field and I discern that I didn't enhance my skills any further in the pre-lockdown era. Music is something that even a whole of a lifetime falls short of getting knowledge about.

Meanwhile, I always had some content ready for music and comedy, but never fro any live shows. And so I wrote show content during this phase.

Another noticeable fact I came across is that people were always too frustrated during lockdown due to idleness. And the demons in their head made them abuse anyone and everyone on social media. So, I would like to advice here that one must always have a schedule for the day and work according to that. 

Sitting idle is like burning all the branches that are for tomorrow's light.
Idleness always gives rise to thoughts and excess time gives way to more thoughts, which we know better as overthinking. Hence, giving rise to jealousy and comparison issues. It's better to have a rough schedule sketched out to have an eventful and tiring day.

Also, I celebrated Eid at home for the very first time which was quite a new experience for me. Usually, we would go to the Masjid and pray, but this time we did pray at home itself.
I was happy as I got time to spend with my family. It was quite a peaceful one as I celebrated Eid with my favorite people.

Altogether, this phase of my life taught me quite a handful of things.

But the most important one being, we should never stop learning as it is rightly quoted, 

An investment in knowledge pays the best interests.

Penned down by - Zeel Patel



Dhairya Mehta

अनजान राहों में, कहानियों के ज़रिये मिलेंगे हम ये वादा है।

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