The revision of my Heyday during Lockdown

RJ Shezzy - Red FM Bhopal

How often have you associated isolation just to loneliness? Did you too have a busy schedule with no personal life before the lockdown? Coming home at late night 10, getting all-time meals from outside. Most of the working-class people would relate to zero family time prior to the lockdown. 

For me, Life before the lockdown was no doubt exciting for me, as per the standards of normal life. Going with friends for meals or work-related functions at different places comprised most part of my day. Work never ceased back then. We always had to keep thinking of some ideas, some creative way of presenting things to the audience. This was a normalized lifestyle for me. 

My maximum part of the day was mostly spent in the studio then. As the lockdown was implemented, for the 1st week I felt quite excited. I came close to my family especially my mom and dad. I also got my Me time, but how do I spend it? 

Being the second oldest RJ in my town, I did start missing my routine life soon. After all, I had been committed to it for years. 
One of the direct impacts that Lockdown had on me was realizing the importance of being content with what I already have. 

I am a great enthusiast of shoes and hoodies. I would buy whatever piece my eye caught attention to, and still, my desire for more of such collection never ceased. But the lockdown was an abrupt halt to my happy days. No home deliveries or stores were open then, of course, credit the pandemic. My days felt baseless since I used to spend lavishly on things that made me happy. 
And so, as I went to have a look at what I already had, I realized a lot of things I never had actually even opened them. This struck me about how the underprivileged people would be longing for a basic living whereas I was here collecting them unnecessarily and wasting money. I realized the value of having a fortune and spending it wisely. 
No sooner did lockdown progress, I realized how much money I had been wasting behind the resources I already had. The innumerable shoes and the hoodies that I already had, became my go-to attires. And I became more aware of giving back to society rather than just satisfying my desires. Hence, I evolved.

Also eventually, I had to do something in ample time. So I focussed on rediscovering the Me time I used to indulge in before my job. No sooner did I begin introspecting that I realized that tiny elements that I had been missing in life. Rekindling my passion for painting during the lockdown, I painted two walls of my house. 

Spending time with family, giving time to myself, having long chats with friends and all of these were being possible during this phase. I began liking this change. All these realizations were very emotional and began being a part of my lifestyle. 

Also, I found my solace in poetry for which the pages of my diaries fell short. 

Moreover, I rejuvenated my hobbies. I believe a hobby is something that keeps a person lively. We must always follow our hobbies and passion, and try making some career out of them. 

I found my lost self during the lockdown.

All the work done during this phase came out fruitfully for me. Some of them were videos that I made, edited at home. Thinking of some creative way to entertain people uniquely, while sitting all alone at home can be challenging. 

I didn't have any help as being in the studio gives the luxury of a different kind. I had to produce, prepare, and plan recordings related to my work on my own. Though the 8-hour work now extended to even 11 hours at times. Yet, it did teach me quite a lot whilst through the process. 

Additionally, I and my family started a cause for the underprivileged people in Bhopal. We arranged for food and supplies to thousands of people, such as slums during the lockdown, so that people realize that humanity still exists. We provided hand cooked food and delivered them, throughout the lockdown phase. I believe each of us, You, Me should do this contribution to anyone whom we see in need around us. Serve them food, and watch the joy on their faces. The Lockdown has been imposed again in the city for a few days, and we have started the supplies again. 

Furthermore, two realizations that will play an important role in my life, occurred to me. 

First was self-realization for friendship and relationship.

Distance makes you realize someone's true value in your life. 
Some of those who had been often in good contact with me during the pre-lockdown had their individual plans for lockdown that affected our bond. It made us grow apart. And I did lose a few of my good friends during the lockdown. 

This made me realize that only those people who are compatible in the long run and we are together not just o spend time should be chosen. Blindly getting along with someone to just spend time only leads to grief later on. Many of my childhood friends grew close to me as well in this phase. 

The second was self-realization on the importance of family, especially Mom and Dad. 

The regret of wasting much of my time in the glamour world and not spending time with them did occur to me. They are the ones who were always with me at any point, no matter what. They helped me grow and achieve my goals.

Overall, the journey of lockdown taught me one thing. That is to keep the child within me alive. And to never miss an opportunity to help someone out from our foundation levels. It helps you become a better Human and sustain Humanity on a larger level.

Penned down by - Zeel Patel



Dhairya Mehta

अनजान राहों में, कहानियों के ज़रिये मिलेंगे हम ये वादा है।

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