Friendship: Happiness Is An Unexpected Hug


Happy Friendship Day to all my fellow mates.

The 1st Sunday of August rejoiced as Friendship Day worldwide.

The World Friendship day derives and celebrates the bonds, that have their base as friendship. 

This day signifies the companionship within every bond that is built upon mutual trust for each other. 
Today, let's make our Friendship day bloom with new connections. 

Plant a seed to connect to the environment and grow the bond with nature as you take good care of it till it transforms into a delightful Tree offering shade.

Friendship is a Tale, 

Tale of Connections,
Tale of Transformations,
Tale of Companionship,
Tale of Emotions.

Friends indeed are an invaluable Treasure. Despite no blood relations, Friendship is such a strong bond that promises to protect you even in the worst of the times. 
In this relationship, there is no end. 

It undergoes transformations, it evolves, it manages and it adapts. 

Friendship is an effortless bond. 
Bond of Care. Care for the beings whose existence itself means the World to you. 

Happy Friendship Day To All Such Beautiful Souls. 

From Vadodara, Pursuing my B. Tech degree from Bharuch,My hunger of writing draws me at places like here to work out some wonders while i can!

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