Let go the storm of Your life; to rise the Sun of wisdom in you!

The picture shows a girl and a beautiful view of the sunset

Ah! Life is not easy,
I agree! But it's not
Impossible to survive
This storm.

The storm of betrayal, rejections,
Health discomfort, depression just
Surrounds you and make you blind
In the darkness of melancholies.

But if you are strong enough and
Believe in yourself; you allow 
The brightness of your soul to
Come out and remove those 
Painful storm and cloud of obstructions.

Let your shine spread the energy in you.
Let your smile be a rainbow;
Spreading immense happiness.
Let those trees and plants rustle 
With your kindness.

Let those soothing breeze hug your
Rhythmic beats of heart and enjoy
The music of soul cheerfully. 

Let those eyes carry the 
Coolness of water reflecting purity.
Let your mind be the ocean
Where thoughts flow with beauty.

Radiate positivity if you
Believe in yourself.
Be the sun of your life so that
You yourself can find the right path
By your realization.
Shivangi Thakkar

Just a gregarious lass who likes to play with words.

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