Over precaution is the only precaution

This picture shows to girls being fully covered with protective masks and gloves

This was one of the most bizarre moments of my life, as my friends and I were finally going home to our respective native places. 

Corona did change the way of our living as you can see, we guys have taken some next level precautions, where not a single skin of ours was visible to the public. 

We could sense that the longer we stay there the more we'll become the butt of every joke. (But we considered safety first)

So I'd like to enlighten as to what exactly we guys have covered our faces with!!

one of my friends came up with this super amazing idea of wearing a face mask all over our faces which would cleanse and of course protect our skin from our very own novel coronavirus.

Besides that, we wore a shower cap, surgical masks, and gloves. 

It was hilarious, 
But the best was yet to come...
What seemed to have added to the situation was the cross-questioning by the police personnel, in a way we caught them off guard with our peculiar attire, therefore, they couldn't help confronting us.

They even asked us why have we been so over precautious, to which we replied:

 "Sir you can never be ENOUGH careful during this pandemic"

But not to worry there wasn't any friction or tension between us. 😁

(it was challenging yet funny as to how people judged us throughout the time we were there at the airport, we had to spend an entire night there.)

"Sometimes you do what you gotta do regardless of what people think".
Dhairya Mehta

अनजान राहों में, कहानियों के ज़रिये मिलेंगे हम ये वादा है।

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