Count Your Blessings!

Just when we all thought that 2020 is going to be our year it showed us it's real colors. The lockdown happened.
I personally thought I wouldn't survive being locked in four walls between four rooms among four people. It turned out pretty well though, doing four chor   es and eating four meals a day. Thank God. 
I've seen how people have hit a certain realization of how they miss their routine, how they miss their work, schools, how they miss the hangouts and dine outs. 

What I have realized is how lucky I am to be able to survive daily. How lucky I am to have the luxuries if life in these tough times. How lucky that I have my loved ones with me. How lucky that I have my friends and teachers connected with me in these tough times.
This lockdown has made me thankful for everything and everyday. What about you ?
Muneeba ashraf

A happy-go-lucky, impassioned, dental student with crinkly hair and a wide crooked smile :)

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