My new normal

a girl in black dress
After months, this one.
And I can tell you just how much my presence missed. And now, I thought our bond is going to grow stronger.

Yes, now it's been 4 months and now I have not left my house for more than a month. Do you know why?

With these four walls, I am in, my roots have been etched. They 're giving me comfort, being in my own space.

This may have been possible because of this interminable lockdown. And this lockdown alone made me realize there's so much to live for than the things we crave that "maybe" don't even exist for. I discovered that I had so many hidden emotions within me, that they never had the slightest chance to escape my mind. I used to feel people could judge, might think I'm vulnerable. But then I realized (another realization) that it is not vulnerable or weak people who express themselves in any form, they are strong. They know how to bring their thoughts into shape, isn't that beautiful?

So I let my thoughts go free one afternoon meaning I took up writing (just like that) and after a month and a half I'm not afraid to express my thoughts and emotions any more.
Lockdown taught me things that I had thought could never happen to me. And I'm delighted that has happened.
This phase is a boon for some and its a bane for some. There's something good in it even the worst, just hidden.

I was just learning to read between the lines of things that happen in my life. And perhaps this is why Writing has become my new normal, just as my four walls have become my best friends



Shivangi Thakkar

Just a gregarious lass who likes to play with words.

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