lockdown written on black background
I saw life differently this time. With my own two eyes, I saw the struggles of people what they had to go through because of those regular day jobs. It became  something that people were getting used to it.
This created desperation leading to the confrontation that violence should be the conclusion…
Silent but deadly it was rapidly ending lives daily. We lost our friend and families. We lost our dreams, our hustle, our goals had to be
put on hold. We had to adapt to the fact that life had become a Standstill. We do feel safe locked up in our homes, but we are
losing the battle against time…
On the other hand, I’m glad to say I saw love. Families coming together, countries uniting and fighting for a good cause.
Wishing to overcome this catastrophic disaster…



Shivangi Thakkar

Just a gregarious lass who likes to play with words.

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