Lockdown learnings with Mahima

picture of a girl with mask
 While a lot of you are cribbing and getting anxious during lockdown (even I go through such emotions), I am still thankful to this phase for making me experience life from by and large an alternate point of view. It has taught me to acknowledge little things even more, which went unnoticed earlier. My heart is brimming with gratitude for outside air, home-made food, a secured roof, family, and friends all safe and secure, my University, laptop, phone, and everything that I possess which help me survive this quarantine. It becomes challenging at times, but the thought that self-isolation is the only way, I am gradually settling towards the modus operandi of sitting at home and be more productive and less lethargic every day. I am doing small internships and earning paltry sum from home, completing my college assignments, doing household chores which I never did before, spending time with family, and connecting more with friends and relatives. I give due credits to this pandemic situation for making all this happen, which otherwise my timetable never permitted.
Looking at the bright side of the situation, I am glad that I can commit additional time and effort to everything, which earlier happened in a brief time-frame. Writing blogs, which is substantially more than a hobby to me, was tough for me to prioritize due to my assignment deadlines. But all this is now happening, all thanks to lockdown! I am grateful to each individual like my home assistance, staple seller, police and so on, who add to making my life simpler. I value places and individuals all the more at this point.
This one who is to all those who are getting cranky and frustrated at home, be appreciative to have a roof above and food on your table. We all are facing some sort of challenges but the only way to get out of it is to stay at safe, sane, and make the most of this time!
Dhairya Mehta

अनजान राहों में, कहानियों के ज़रिये मिलेंगे हम ये वादा है।

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