I chatted with myself

This image shows a mirror image of the boy.

On the very day of 22nd March, India was
imposed with the lockdown. We all were packed
inside our homes. Each one just accepting
something unusual and something never ever
thought of. We all accepted and adapted to the
situation sooner or later.
Ah! But to your surprise, there was one thing that
was built amid lockdown, that is relation towards
Our own people, towards our own self. This
"home-work" gave us something that we needed
since long.

 It gave us the opportunity to ask our
self all that we wanted to but waiting for a pause.
At this time ,everywhere, there was fear, there was
anxiety, there was frustration which has gathered
and settled somewhere Deep Inside us. We all
were stricken by the dark clouds which faded the
vision of the coming future.

 In spite of all this,
there was a beautiful time for our heart which
giggled that finally, we got time to have ears for it.
Maybe the lockdown resulted in many negative
outcomes, agreed, but it gave you the opportunity
to sit, to talk, to meet yourself, and give
something to your own self that was required.
This was the time to get social where all your
feed was posted with the specification of "only me".

Believe me, this long break helped us to know
ourselves, to enhance your capability, to gather
courage for all the upcoming difficulties, to
cherish some memories with ourselves.
Someone has beautifully quoted,

" Whenever you
sit alone, you are sitting with the best person "
I would rest my words with ......
This is the chance to see yourself
This is the chance to free yourself
So, hold it, grab it, snatch it...Because,
This is the chance to be yourself
Shivangi Thakkar

Just a gregarious lass who likes to play with words.

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