India is a country with varied culture, language, customs and traditions"
We all have read it,& somewhere deep down trying to follow it, to follow the expectations, to follow the norms, to follow the 'Roles' fixed for us.
So today I'm here to talk about the
'Gender Roles' that are fixed for us by those
'4 persons'( वो 4 लोग)
I have been born and brought up in a Joint family. I always look up to my mother as thy source of inspiration from the very beginning of my childhood. She has been managing work, home, family everything, all at once, like all of our mothers do. Lately in march this year when I came back home for holidays, what was different from the past years was i have been helping her in the household works(a little help, to lessen her burden) & also observing her everyday schedule, how the day starts at 6:00 am for her when the rest of people are still struggling with their sleep ,how she starts working from the minute she woke up no matter whether she is ill , slept late, or any thing but none of the reasons stopped her from waking up.
I help my mother in small small things that I know I can do it. Like in cleaning, watering plants, but When I help her in kitchen usually after making 20-30 roti's, I get tired and take rest break immediately, unlike mummy from the time she wakes up, she keeps on going. Today after completing the work at home she went to office and I lied down as i mentioned above Rest breaks. Contrary on the other hand my father has a very little contribution in the household work, he helps whenever we asks him or request him, I would be more happy if he would enjoy doing these little things and do that by his own.
Mummy always says that 'काम कोई भी छोटा या बड़ा नही होता'
we should all support our mothers,
and family to make them understand that gender has nothing to do with the work, everyone is eating food so everyone can cook, we all live in a same house so everyone can take care of that house not only our mothers.
Take some time to appreciate people around you for the work that they have been doing selflessly for you.
Much love to all of your mom's out there.
I have a lot more to say but keeping it for the next time.