Things have changed! impact of change is in everyone's life now, but to find out good in every impact is the key to happiness. In this terrifying situation, there are few things #Quarantine has taught me:
1) When things are left unchanged, unfiltered and at their best and truest self, that's when they are the most beautiful. I believe it works the same for people.
2) When you lose control of the situation and things cribbing is not the way out, You simply start to make most of what 's available to you. Happiness is a state of mind.
3) You slowly go from feeling lonely to just being alone and then spend most of your time with yourself. Loneliness is a phase that usually ends with self-love.
4) When you have plenty of time, you rewind & remind yourself that there was once when you didn't have enough and couldn't do the things you really wanted to so make use of it while it lasts..
~~When all will end, I want to smile knowing I made it most of it with my truest, unfiltered, untouched, and imperfect self!