The journey from being pregnant to being a mom

The tiny little life she's holding in her womb...
its growing day by day making its presence already inside her...
she looked into the mirror adorning her puffed curls.
all those sleepless nights which she traded with dark circles...
the ocean of emotions.
showers her every time...
the string of pain goes down her spine...
but then she closes her eyes and memorizes the moment when she saw those purple lines. 
assuring her that a little life was breathing inside...  
the feeling that she can never describe...
the feeling that will always forget...
that feeling with only she knows what it meant.
month by month.
week by week. 
day by day.    
she waited for its arrival, it doesn't matter it's pink or blue.
for her, it's a precious boon. 
The moment she saw his face. 
all her pain.. just went to vain. 
The little miracle was laying close to her heart. 
whom she loved from the very start. 
This tiny little life. Was such a fine craft. 
May be god craved him with his finest shaft.. !!



Disha' blog

writting is my niche

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