Perhaps a lot of us are too oriented
With the daily routines of a casual life
That it becomes so necessary for us
To take a stroll outside,
Blend in with the fragments of city,
Speak about random happenings
And create intimacies with touch
It becomes a menacing habit
That Kills us from the inside
Slowly and painlessly and unknowingly,
Because somehow in the midst of
Living life with crowds and clangs,
We forget to convince ourself
that it is also so much possible to
Live with oneself in Calms and coos
We don't bother to take note of all those
little things kept on our bedroom table or
Bookshelves that keep can also keep us happy
We forget to voice the waves of uncertain emotions
And of all, we forget to synchronize with our inner self
That even our heart and brain stops to coexist together
Hindering our psychological growth
And a positive mentality about living,
That now when such thing as a global pandemic
Threatens the normal functioning of routines
And distinctively draws the borderline and pushes us inside,
We struggle to cope up with the sense of isolation
And the very fact of death and destructions
suffocates us to a point where we feel agitated
But we really don't know how to shed the heaviness
Because we were just too lost with a complacent notion
That mental health isn't something importantBut mental health is a vital part of our life
Especially during the times of pandemic
When most of our physical strength doesn't even matter
Our mentality is what shapes our thoughts and behaviour
And binds our unity to a positive notion that
We will fight this together and we will heal
Because we need the right will and morality
To hold the world when it is collapsing with deaths and disappointments
A little amount of anxiety would okay
It is totally normal to feel slightly odd
For it is a form of a human to grieve for the loss
But it is not okay to remain submissive and ignore
your psychological well being as well and mentality
This is not the right time to feel agitated and weak
When we all bear such a powerful responsibility
To unite together and raise a flag for our earth to heal