Option or no option. Learn to introspect.

To all those working individuals out there, the longing of getting back to work, whilst in the lockdown is an emotion all would relate to. 
However, being an RJ at the radio station, Red FM 93.5, did empower me to work from home with quite the same ease as at the studio. 
Hold on! 

This isn't how my lockdown started.
My lockdown journey began in an amusing manner. 

As I returned back from the Goa trip, keen to travel back to my hometown, I found myself badly sick and hence had to stay all alone at my home here. The worried phone calls from home asking me to be back, only made me more anxious and frustrated, given that I wasn't in the condition to go back. However, soon the sickness was identified as the common flu, but by then all trains had been shut down. I had no option but to accept it without any fuss. 

And so the lockdown advanced, with me all alone at the house here. Doing my shows right from here, somehow.

So what was the first thing that changed in my schedule? Fitness regime.

For the past two years, I have been a regular fitness freak. I always have loved to maintain good endurance levels. However, this came along with a condition for me. I always had to have a personal instructor alongside me to keep a check on me. It was something I couldn't do without, even if I had the intention to work out. 

But with the lockdown on its elation, I couldn't retain this option as well. I had to give way to make my mind adapt. So I started making these videos of me working out alone, so as to keep myself motivated to push myself harder. 
I didn't need someone to hover over me now.

I had started noticing and realizing things better. At this point, something struck me, as I was speculating on the topic about options. 

Options were something that I greatly relied on upon. But contrastingly, when I had no options, I wasn't as unhappy as I would have been if I had those options and yet I couldn't accomplish those tasks.

I looked around me and noticed the same acceptability in everyone.

This showed me that we all can deal with options better. Only if we tend to look at them, what if we didn't have these! It makes us happier and responsible for our acts.

In fact, after my successful fitness regime for weeks, I now aspire to pursue a diploma in fitness, in the near future.

However, for me, the Unlock Phase 1 never actually came. On the 1st day of unlocking, my colony was sealed. The family next door had all of its members tested positive. And an unfortunate demise that followed next, it eventually was still a lockdown for me, whilst people posted pictures of being outdoors. However, I thought of it as simply a no-option situation. 
This thought has made me deal better with situations having options.

God helps you always, in some form or the other. Only if we care to notice it. 

I began believing more into the fact that life is uncertain, so live it laughing rather than lamenting over any issue for long.

And the biggest applaud I would give for my evolution to a stronger self, would be to my profession. Each profession teaches us something new. Something good that we can adapt to in our lives. My profession taught me to be sound and calm even when situations are worst. I have carried my shows despite my lowest times and that's what I believe has made me grow out of this uncertain Lockdown.

Life will keep flowing, opportunities will pass by. Learn, introspect, and get stronger and most necessarily, Be confident.

Penned down by - Dinesh Gidwani
Dhairya Mehta

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