Hide and Seek

This picture shows a boy standing in formals.

Every time we were upset with each other,
we played hide and seek.
She always found me very quickly,
with all my favorite ways beautifully.
With all the fights we had,
our friendship was strengthened and I was glad.
She was beautiful and like fire,
a girl like her is one anyone can admire.
I surprised her in our every game,
she felt lucky to have me as a gem.
My insecurities troubled us a little,
but our bond was too strong, not too brittle.
But strange things started to happen,
she started taking too much time in finding me more often.
But in our last game of Hide and Seek,
I just thought I had won,
I hid at the same spot as always,
and then I realized that she never came to find me this time.
At last, she left me a melancholic win.
Dhairya Mehta

अनजान राहों में, कहानियों के ज़रिये मिलेंगे हम ये वादा है।

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