There's this thing about Life
Sometimes life can seem really hard and difficult. The times can seem to work against you. It's almost as if everything is fleeing away and you just can't catch up!
And sometimes it feels like the pain is too much and you just can't handle it anymore. Sometimes it seems like the walls are closing in. These times are really trying, and it's even harder on some than others.
To each such person out there
I hope at every such instant you realize that you're not alone. Not today, not tomorrow. You've friends, you've family, or even strangers or those internet friends, who you can talk freely to, no filters required, who are your support system.
Try to reach out. Try to speak. I know, it's easier said than done. You're trying but sometimes, you just can't speak. It's like your words fall short. But do try. Try to vent out your anguish, despair and anxiety. Share it, vent it out. Rant, if it helps. Whenever you must. With whoever you trust. You need to believe in something, and probably more so in yourself. Use something as your anchor, to hold your ground. Try to remember each face, each voice, each soul who's waiting for you out there, who's depending on you. And maybe the nights just might get easier.
Try not to be hard on yourself. Try not to over think. Try not to doubt yourself.
But do try to believe in yourself. Do try to appreciate yourself. Do try to appreciate your struggles and that you've made it through each one of them . You're beautiful. Your existence is beautiful. Don't live in denial. Accept the situation, accept your struggles for what they're. Appreciate your life, appreciate your existence. And then? Go about finding your happiness in the little things of life.
What is happiness you ask?
When you see the sunset and feel elated? That is happiness. When you're casually swiping through your feed and see a cute video which makes you smile? That is happiness. When you're unfortunately stuck alone and couldn't make it to home during the lockdown but your loved ones kept calling you 10 times a day to share everything they're doing with you? That is happiness. To miss and to be missed, to know that there exists someone who's looking forward to see you soon? That is happiness. To feed strays and pet them all day long? That is happiness. To sit with your family and do the most absurd things? That is happiness. To call your friends and discuss all the gossip from your recent past and all the nonsense you can get a grip on? That's happiness. To wake up everyday in a lockdown, and be thankful for your existence and appreciating everything we've taken for granted so far? And to hope that things will get better. That is your handful of happiness.
You know? Nothing remains constant, nothing remains the same. It changes and moves along.
So do realise this. That in time, this too shall pass. And in time, things will fall in place, just the way you wanted them to be. Things will make sense. Until then , just hold on. You haven't come this far to give up, and I know that you won't. So when Life tries to push you into a corner ? Push back. Push back just a bit harder.
So, just remember this.
Aaj andheri raat hai toh kal dhoop bhi zarur aegi, chaat jaenge ye badal bhi aur zindagi fir muskuraegi. You're a sunflower and you'll slowly bloom like the beautiful person you're, one step at a time. You're just waiting for the sun to shine, so that you can bloom, one step at a time.