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Going to college, those canteen tea breaks , hanging  and joking around with friends and seniors, that's how our days used to be. Who knew about this twist which lid to a change in our mindsets. Its  scary to even imagine stepping out in public. Listening to the news , praying for some good news but heart sunk in despair everyday. “When will the happy days return?” is the question that is striking everyone. Its been months being away from friends and seniors who were like a family ,the special ones who are so dear and family members who are not near.  But being safe and alive is the only blessing that we are thankful everyday. 

          As the days pass coping with the circumstances following  “The New Normal” as they say. Gloves on the hands and a mask on the nose with five feet apart distance in between and sanitize.  Keep the hope alive.  Hope for a better world , hope for new changes. As we were taught since our childhood “bad” are always defeated. Time will change , pandemic will be over. Smiles will return one day. More power to us to live ,struggle and grow as better days are yet to come.

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