Another side of Lockdown

This picture shows a man taking care of his pet.

   Hi Shivangi, Dineshkumar here from Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

And yes this lockdown and the corona virus have been a shocking and a roller-coaster ride for almost everyone. Doesn't matter from which country you are, which gender you are, which age you are, how rich or poor you are; it attacks without partiality.
I was never a type who would stay inside the house for a long time, this lockdown changed me completely. This lockdown wouldn't be possible without my mobile. Probably it was the best company amidst all the situations. 

The routine goes like this; wakeup, watching TV, using mobile, food, sleep, again mobile, calls with friends, watching videos in mobile, food and sleep and the cycle repeats.

What lockdown has taught me personally is the basic thing is; “The food and the family”. Everything comes next.

And the other positive side about the lockdown is; that it allowed me to get connected with my friends through voice calls and video calls. Prior to this period we all very busy with our stuffs.

This made the friendship bond stronger. Also the part of YouTube and Instagram plays a major role in this lockdown particularly. 

I won’t deny that I was not watching videos prior to the lockdown, but the watching time turned much higher. Started watching videos of everyday news, motivational, share market related videos and obviously meme videos. Which made me to pass time and mainly it poured me with a lot of knowledge.  And YouTube became the favorite app for me as watching hour of 15 minutes increased to 2 or 3 hours per day.  

Also the part of the Instagram plays an equally important role as well. I started following many pages which taught me so many things to learn and to think.

It gave me a great time to start a new page which I was thinking for a long term. Created an Instagram page @dindonwrites and started posting the quotes of mine. From which I was able to communicate with you now!

As every coin as two sides, I definitely need to share the other part as well. We used to feed  3 street dogs in our shop.

We went couple of days back to the shop and the dogs came to the shop by hearing the sound of the shutter. Among those dogs, one was ill and was infected in its body and I was saddened after watching that situation.

They aren’t getting proper food amidst the lockdown. So those who are reading this one, start feeding birds or animals. And yes definitely you will be blessed for a lifetime.

Thanks for taking out time to read this. Cheers!

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