Quarantine Blues

black and white picture of a girl
Oh how we used to talk about how beautiful it is outside
How fresh the air feels
How the trees sing with the wind
How wonderful it feels
When the sky paints it's mural
From the dreamy ,ocean blue 
To the fiery red 
That it turns into,
When the sun makes it's way towards home 
And sets ablaze the horizon 
Ablaze and yet so soothing and serene 
Serene, just like the lush green meadows
And like the flowing river 
With its calm and silence.
How we used to talk about ,
The poppies and the lilies and the roses
Blooming joyously 
As if to colour the earth to rid it off of its gloom
But alas , my heart breaks a little 
To merely talk about it
To be forced only to recall how beautiful the roses smelt.
And not experience it at all.
I'm forced to lurk around
The converging walls of grey and black 
Forbidden to step out and witness the wonder beyond these doors
Unable to live in the world we once used see
Unable to breathe the air that we used to breathe 
Unable to get out
Of this trap of colliding thoughts
Unable to scream
Unable to cry
Unable to be free
Like a caged bird who wishes to fly .
Shivangi Thakkar

Just a gregarious lass who likes to play with words.

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